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Closure Period Membership Arrangement

Due to the extended closure period implemented by Hong Kong SAR we will issue an account credit for all unused portion of SPC Memberships affected by Closure. You are the reason why we started AQ Strong and we feel it is important and right to ensure you are not negatively impacted by the recent closure.


Every SPC athlete will be credited for unused days (Premiere) or sessions (SPC 14, SPC 8, any others) and only billed for those days or sessions they used during closure plus any amount during normal operations. 

We hope the situation does not last this long but unfortunately this is out of our control.

This arrangement will replace any previous accommodations made due to closure period.



  • Charges will accrue on your account normally, don't worry!

  • We will calculate and issue a credit at end of closure

  • We will inform you and then Bill any balance due after credit.

Choose Your Membership

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SPC Premiere

Credit Back :

4 days (Cycle 1) + 16 Days (Cycle 2) = 20  days Used

34  Days closed -  20 Days used = 14 Days x Daily Rate credit

What you see on your billing:

$3600(cycle 2)-$1680(14 days credit back) + $3600(New cycle) = $5520


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  • The Standard Daily Rate is Monthly Dues / 30 days.

  • You will receive a credit for any unused days during Closure Period.

  • All other day will be billed normally as daily rate for the affected periods.


SPC 8/ SPC 14

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  • Total Sessions Available = # of billing periods x your monthly Session Benefits

  • Session Rate = monthly dues rate / session benefit (for example $1800 / 8 = $225)

  • Account credited the full value of sessions unused at the end of the closure period (including any remaining in that current cycle). 

SPC Class Credit after Center REOPEN

  • The reopen session count will be 0 - the value has been credited back to account

  • You can join SPC with top up fee. This means you can enjoy lower price sessions for the remainder of that period.

  • Your next billing cycle will return back to normal.

Example 1


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Credit Back :

2 Remaining (cycle 1) + 4 Remaining (cycle 2)

= 6 Credit X class credit $225

= $1350 cash back to account

What you see on your billing:

$1800(cycle 2)-$1350(credit back) + $1800(New cycle) = $2250

SPC 14

Example 2

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Credit Back :

8 Remaining (cycle 1) + 0 Remaining (cycle 2)

= 8 Credit X class credit $175

= $1400 cash back to account

What you see on your billing:

$2450(cycle 2)-$1400(credit back)+ $750 (6 top up class) + $2450(New cycle) = $3575

SPC 8 /14

We understand this may be confusing based on billing dates, when you actually paid and what you use or don’t use during the closure period. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. We will also update this page with the equations so you can check based on your activity and situation.  We can discuss and review with you and want to be as transparent as possible.

We do hope you will join us for our Outdoor SPC, Live Zoom sessions and any other services we can provide during the lockdown period. We miss you and hope to see you all back in our Athletic Center soon. Always remember, Strong is a Choice!

Marco  - Ka Hei - Kieron - Ivan

and the entire team at AQ Strong.

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