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Fitness Racer Pack - 3 Month Strength & Conditioning Training

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Fitness Racer Pack - 3 Month Strength & Conditioning Training
Product Details


ONE TEAM | ONE GOAL - 助你備戰各大體能賽事


真正有效的訓練從來都不存在公式,因此我們不設任何 "CrossFit 或 HYROX 課堂",而是為每個人度身訂做合適的力量與體能(S&C)訓練計劃,幫助大家為各大體能賽事作最佳準備。


1. 耐力 (Stamina)
2. 力量 (Strength)
3. 技巧 (Skills)
4. 精神 (Spirit)

今次我們將會用同樣訓練模式 - 為每個人度身訂做合適的力量與體能(S&C)訓練計劃去幫你備戰大大小小的體能比賽!無論你是初次參加,還是想突破自己,這個計劃你不容錯過!

ONE TEAM | ONE GOAL 體能賽力量與體能訓練 6 大特色:

  1. AQ STRONG 社群 Supportive Community
    We Got Your Back! 我們不但有強大的教練團隊,在備戰過程中你將會結識到一班有共同目標的戰友,互相激勵與支持!
  2. 個人化訓練策略 Personalized Training Strategy
    透過問卷及與教練的 1 對 1 諮商,根據個人特質及目標制定訓練計劃
  3. 高效率訓練 Train Smart
    AQ Strong 訓練配備齊全,讓你同時兼顧訓練、飲食、休息及恢復,全面提升訓練效果
  4. 專業教練團隊 Professional Coaching TeamAQ Strong的教練團隊涉獵各個領域,而且每人都是運動員。他們以團隊方式將自身經驗和知識為你解答任何有關訓練上的難題
  5. 結果導向 Result driven approach
  6. 適合不同程度運動員 Suitable for all levels

🔎 計劃內容包括:

  1. 制定個人化訓練策略教練會透過簡單問卷了解你的程度及目標課;再與你預約 1 對 1 諮商,根據個人特質及目標制定訓練計劃
  2. 定期進度測試
    於SPC 課堂中定期進行進度測試,教練團隊會根據你的測試結果調整你的訓練策略
  3. AQ STRONG - 運動員專屬社交群組
    你將被邀請加入 AQ STRONG 運動員專屬社交群組。群組由教練主理,教練會定期提出挑戰及任務,在這裏你會獲得一班擁有共同目標的戰友,互相激勵與支持!
  4. 自選訓練計劃
    • SPC 8:每月 8 節課堂 (適合初次參加或接力賽的運動員)
    • SPC 14:每月 14 節課堂 (適合追求成績或參加個人/雙人賽的運動員)
    • SPC Premiere:每月無限節課堂(適合高度投入、追求獎牌的運動員 )
  5. 免費參加「混合體能比賽 - 力量與體能(S&C)訓練及備戰工作坊」
    時間:下午3:00 - 4:30
    地點:AQ Strong
    費用:非會員$50; 會員免費
  6. AQ STRONG Anywhere 訓練手機程式
    你可以隨時參考AQ STRONG Anywhere 應用程式來進行你的訓練計劃,讓你可以隨時隨地進行訓練!
  7. 以優惠價錢加購Athletic Centre Open Gym 自由使用時間
    除了訓練課堂,你可以每月$500加購 Open Gym 自由使用我們逾萬呎的 Athletic Centre!
  8. 優先報名模擬賽及享有會員優惠
    日期:9月28日 (六)
    時間:下午2:00 - 6:00
    地點:AQ Strong
    費用:非會員$380; 會員$300



  • SPC 8:每月 8 節課堂 (約每週2次訓練)
  • SPC 14:每月 14 節課堂 (約每週3-4次訓練)
  • SPC Premiere:每月無限節課堂(建議每日不多於 2 節以確保訓練質素)

特別優惠:AQ STRONG 請你玩比賽!

  • 只須提供你的即將參加混合體能比賽報名收據,我們將退還同等金額或最多港幣$900 到你的會員帳號用以扣減下一月份之會藉費用!
  • 如果你仍在考慮參賽,你可在報名後的下一個會員周期使用退還到你會員帳號的金額 (上限港幣$900)


即日起至 8 月 10 號或之前報名,即可獲括免SPC會藉 $800入會費優惠 (高達 $1700 現金節扣)
*立即購買或 WhatsApp Us 我們了解更多🔥!


  1. 加入購物車後付款結
  2. 成功付款後,我們將於24小時內與你聯絡並跟你確認訓練計劃開始日期
  3. 填寫簡單問卷並跟教練預約1對1諮詢
  4. 下載AQ STRONG 會員應用程式並預約課堂
  5. 加入 AQ STRONG 社群
  6. 開始訓練


  1. 體能賽力量與體能訓練計劃的最少參加會藉周期為 3 個月。以上優惠並不適少於 3 個月之任何會藉。
  2. 體能賽力量與體能訓練計劃必須在2024年8月31日或之前開始。
  3. 參加者必須提供與報名同名的註冊收據證明。
  4. 每人限報銷一次活動費用。“活動” 定義為不超過一天的單次健身或耐力賽、比賽或競賽。不可多次報銷。
  5. 每人每次活動的最高報銷金額為900港元。
  6. 體能賽力量與體能訓練計劃不可退款及不可轉讓予他人使用。
  7. 完成首次付款後第2個和第3個月將設置信用卡自動轉帳支付。
  8. 教練將由 AQ STRONG 指派,不能指定教練。
  9. 以上優惠只適用於過去12個月內並未擁有任何SPC會藉之人士; 並不適用於現有SPC/ Class Pack 會員。
  10. 如有任何爭議,AQ STRONG (Athletic Academy Limited) 將保留所有最終決定權。
  11. AQ Strong並非HYROX、CROSSFIT或任何賽事品牌的附屬機構,亦不代表任何這些品牌。

Fitness Racer Pack - 3 Month Strength & Conditioning Training

Training for all Hybrid Fitness Race - ONE TEAM | ONE GOAL

Sport challenges the integration of strength, speed, power, stamina, strategy, tactics, and spirit. To achieve optimal results, these attributes should be trained separately. Fitness racing, including events like Crossfit and Hyrox, provides an excellent opportunity to compete and enhance physical fitness. However, many programs overly focus on event-specific activities, neglecting comprehensive preparation and balance.
AQ Strong distinguishes itself through expertise in general and physical preparation for both sport and life. We avoid limiting training to specific event like Crossfit class or HYROX class, instead, we provide strength and conditioning training with race specific movements included in some phases. Our approach ensures a well-rounded progression tailored to individual needs. Simply mimicking event activities can lead to over-reaching, plateaus, or chronic overuse issues.

Don’t get this wrong, playing the sport is one of the key components to peak performance, but let’s not be the only thing you do. So we have boiled down to 4 major components (4S) that all Hybrid Fitness Race athletes must have:

1. Strength
2. Stamina
3. Skills
4. Spirit

Now we are using the same system to get you ready for all Hybrid Fitness Race! Whether you are first-timers or podium athletes that are looking to beat your PR, this is the program you don’t want to miss.


  1. AQ STRONG Supportive Community
    We Got Your Back! We have a strong coaching team, and you'll meet like-minded comrades who will motivate and support each other!
  2. Personalized Training Strategy
    Through questionnaires and one-on-one consultations with coaches, training plans are developed based on individual characteristics and goals.
  3. Train Smart
    AQ Strong is fully equipped, allowing you to manage training, diet, rest, and recovery simultaneously, thereby enhancing overall training effectiveness.
  4. Professional Coaching Team
    Our coaches are not only experts in their fields but also athletes themselves. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to help you excel.
  5. Result driven approach
    Regular progress tests are conducted, and based on the results, your training strategy is adjusted to achieve optimal results and performance.
  6. Suitable for all levels
    Our class settings cater to athletes of all levels, from absolute beginners to podium finishers. Everyone is welcome and supported in their fitness journey.

🔎 What's included:

  1. Personalized Training Strategy
    Through questionnaires and one-on-one consultations with coaches, training plans are developed based on individual characteristics and goals.
  2. Regular Progress Tests
    There will be regular progress tests during your SPC Classes, our coaching team will adjust and review your training strategy with you to achieve optimal results and performance.
  3. AQ STRONG - Supportive Community
    You will be invited to join AQ STRONG Community. The community will be led by coaches, they will regularly propose challenges and tasks,Here you will get a group of team-mates with common goals, motivating and supporting each other!
  4. Choose your SPC Training Program
    • SPC 8:8 Classes/ month (suitable for first-timer or relay participants)
    • SPC 14:8 Classes/ month (suitable for single/ double racer or anyone who seeks for better results!)
    • SPC Premiere:Unlimited Class/ month(Suitable for podium racer)
  5. Free Entry for S&C Workshop for Hybrid Fitnsee Race
    Date: 10 Aug 2024 (Sat)
    Time: 3:00 - 4:30pm
    Venue: AQ Strong
    Fee: $50 for non-member; free for member
  6. AQ STRONG Anywhere Training App
    You can refer to the Training App Anytime for your training program so that you can train anywhere!
  7. Top-up Open Gym
    In addition to SPC classes, you can Top-up Open Gym at $500/month to enjoy free use of our Athletic Centre!
  8. Priorty Sign-Up and discount on Full Race Simulation
    We will hold a simulation race on September 28th, allowing you to try out the complete set of events before the race: 8 events; 8 sets of 1km run to assess training results!
    Date: 28 Sep 2024 (Sat)
    Time: 2:00 - 6pm
    Venue: AQ Strong
    Fee: $380 for non-member; $300 for member

3 Month Instalment Plan Available, Kick Start your training by paying the first month!

Training Options:
  • SPC 8:8 class per month (training 2 time a week)
    Fee:$1,920 per month
    Top up at $185/class after you finish 8 classes
  • SPC 14:14 class per month (training 3-4 time a week)
    Fee:$2,660 per month
    Top up at $135/class after you finish 14 classes
  • SPC Premiere:Unlimited Classes (2 classes at most per day)
    Fee:$3,800 per month

Special Offer:

AQ Strong is PAYING for your next Fitness Race!

  • Provide your registration receipt of any upcoming Hybrid Fitness Race, and we will refund the same amount or up to a maximum of HK$900 to your membership account for deduction of the next month's membership fees!
  • If you are still choosing the competition category, you can use the amount refunded to your membership account in the next membership cycle after registration (up to a maximum of HK$900)

Additional Offer:

  • Register by 10 Aug 2024 or before to enjoy a waiver of $800 joining fee for SPC membership (up to $1700 cash savings)
    *Buy Now or WhatsApp Us to get more details🔥!

Registration Process:

  1. Add to cart and make payment
  2. After successful payment, we will contact you within 24 hours to confirm the start date of the training plan.
  3. Fill out a simple questionnaire and make an appointment with a coach for a one-on-one consultation
  4. Download the AQ STRONG membership app and book classes.
  5. Join the AQ STRONG Community
  6. You are ALL SET and let's start training!

Terms & Condition:

  1. Minimum commitment of 3 months required to join any Fitness Racer package. No Pro-rata or refunds for shorter periods possible.
  2. The Fitness Racer Pack - 3 Month Strength & Conditioning Training must commence on or before August 31, 2024.
  3. Participants of the [Fitness Racer Pack - 3 Month Strength & Conditioning Training] must provide a registration receipt proof under the same name.
  4. Limit one event reimbursement per individual. “Event” is defined as a single occurrence fitness or endurance race, competition or contest that does not last longer than one day. Multiple event reimbursement not possible.
  5. Maximum reimbursement amount shall be $900 HKD for individual for any one event.
  6. The Fitness Racer Pack - 3 Month Strength & Conditioning Training is non refundable and non transferrable which cannot be transferred to others for use.
  7. After the first payment is completed, the 2nd and 3rd months will be set up for automatic credit card payments.
  8. Coach will be assigned by AQ STRONG and cannot be specified.
  9. The above offer is only applicable to individuals who did not own any SPC membership in the past 12 months; and is not applicable to existing SPC/Class Pack members.
  10. In case of any dispute, AQ STRONG (Athletic Academy Limited) reserves all rights for final decision.
  11. AQ Strong is not an affiliate of HYROX, CROSSFIT or any brand of racing and does not represent any of these brands.
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