AQ Profile
What is Athletic Quotient (AQ)?
Athletic Quotient (AQ) is a relative score based on how well you perform a series of Athletic Abilities.
Similar to IQ score, AQ does not define how one would perform in sport or life, it does gives you an insight into your current Athleticism.
A good Coach will understand your AQ and can apply it to the right program and training to make you better in the ways you want.


Your AQ Profile is determined by the ratio of the 3 athletic layers from the AQ test, which describes your current level of athleticism.

What is your AQ Profile?
Your AQ Profile is the ratio of the 3 athletic layers assessed to find your AQ. It is a description of your current status.
Whether it is to live well, move free or to perform better, your AQ profile should inform your training strategy.
Supple -How well you can move
Components:Coordination and Stability & Mobility.
Robust –Your threshold for work and effort
Components: Strength and Met-Con (Energy Systems)
Explosive –Your ability to combine high force with high speed and skill
Components: Speed / Agility and Power.