kBox4 Pro Starter System
The professional choice. The kBox4 is perfect for serious strength and conditioning, use in studios and clubs or for dedicated home use. The Starter set includes the basic requirements for an effective kBox workout. Upgrade to the AQ Choice for a wider range of options most people will need. The Set includes:
- KBox4 Pro w kMeter
- Flywheel-M-0.025 kgm²
- Flywheel-L-0.050 kgm²
- Hip Belt Standard
- Foot Block (pro)
- kGrip (pair)
kBox4 Pro Starter System
We ship sets direct from Sweden by Fedex. Packages typically arrive within 5 - 10 days after order payment has been received. Shipping costs to Hong Kong are usually $1600 HKD but may vary depending on promotion.