Managing Director
Marco Ferdinandi
I have been coaching and training for the past 30 years, working with pro athletes, cardiac rehab, and across the spectrum of wellness, fitness and performance. I have always been driven by a purpose to help others achieve their best. I've had the pleasure of leading great teams and growing brands for 23 of these 30 years with Sports Performance, Corporate Wellness, and Commercial Fitness companies in the USA and in Asia.
I am excited about the fast-innovating field of sports science, how it is impacting our understanding of longevity and training, and how we can create the best possible experience for our athletes and clients to surpass their highest expectations.
Fun Facts: I'm from New Jersey, USA, and have been based in New York, Miami, and Hong Kong. I also speak Italian and some Spanish, and not so good Chinese. I really enjoy training with Indian Clubs (pictured), Mace, and Meels too!

Q: Are you free for an espresso?
Si, certo! Yes, of course!
Q&A for our coach!
Q: Tell me about your coaching journey!
I started Coaching when I was 15. Our Local Little League (West Side LL in Jersey City, NJ) needed volunteer coaches to help setup another 8&9 yr old team. Me and two friends were asked to help out and Coached for two seasons so the team could play. We really had no idea what we were doing, but it was fun and the kids loved it. Since then Coaching has been a constant growth process for me and never disappoints. I've had an amazing life Coaching and Leading. It's brought me across the world and introduced me to wonderful people and great life challenges. I also love being part of a team - flying solo ain't my thing. I couldn't be prouder of what we are doing at AQ Strong. The team's values and dedication to bring their best daily to our athletes are an inspiration. They have a dogged determination to be better everyday and their passion feels like a fountain of youth for a salty ole' dog like me.
Q: Any advice for young coaches?
This includes Athletes! Take the long view. So many of the lessons I have learned over the years continually come back to enlighten me and help solve current challenges. As a Coach, you just don't know which athlete will rise above their challenges and become something special in their sport. More importantly, you just don't know what lesson or influence you are having today will impact someone's life and help them be better regardless of their path. It's a wonderful responsibility to have, so learn every day as you will live forever, care for each and every athlete you have the privilege to work with, and treat every other coach as they are - your colleague and peer in this great endeavor.
Professional Courses and Certifications
MBA -- The University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
M.S. Exercise Science -- PennWest (PA) USA
B.S. Exercise Science & Sport Mgmt -- Rutgers Univ (NJ) USA
NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist