第一屆AQ STRONG選秀會 - 即日起,誠邀會員組隊挑戰!


追逐目標的路上,除了保持專注及堅持不懈,更不可或缺的便是找到相同理念的夥伴一起努力。我們希望,AQ Strong能夠成為一個凝聚運動員的地方,為各位提供最合適的訓練系統及支援。為此,我們舉辦了由成立以來,第一屆的「AQ STRONG選秀會」!
身為SPC會員的你,能以隊長身份發出「選秀邀請函」,邀請朋友以「選秀限定會藉」加入AQ Strong,跟你組成專屬隊伍。你與隊員們將一同以小隊名義累積分數,挑戰贏取不同階段獎勵。
【Referral Only - 選秀限定會藉】
優惠價 $960,包括4堂SPC,會藉有效期為30日。
額外課堂(Top-up)定價為一堂 $220。
可參與所有SPC 課堂,包括: 綜合運動能力、靈活度及穩定性、力量與爆發力、速度和敏捷度、能量系統訓練、奧林匹克舉重技巧(Barbell Club除外)

【For Current Member - 個人獎勵】
謝謝你對AQ Strong的支持及喜愛。為表謝意,並慶祝你的小隊成立,我們為你準備了Slowwalker 的「買一送一咖啡/飲品優惠券」,請到對街與朋友享用你的咖啡/飲品吧!
【For Your Team - 團隊獎勵】
於「AQ STRONG選秀會」完結後,所有4人(包括隊長)以上的小隊,每人可獲得「Be Athletic」T-shirt一件,並可於T-shirt上加印自訂隊名。
【The Jackpot - 終極大獎】
出席次數計算方式:由你成功組成隊伍(最少有一位隊員)開始,至8月31日,所有隊伍成員(包括你)於AQ Strong出席SPC小組訓練課堂,均會被紀錄並累積。
SPC時間表 : www.aqstrong.com/spc-timetable
SPC課堂詳情 : www.aqstrong.com/training-spc
你有決心接受挑戰嗎? #AQAthleteDraft
如欲查詢及了解更多,請即發送電郵至 info@aqstrong.com 或 WhatsApp/ Signal 6763 2813。
條款及細則 :
*最終會根據參加者在 GymMaster 的到訪次數計算出席率。
*此優惠活動會籍已包括了 4 節課堂,任何額外課堂將定價為一堂 220元 (不適用於Barbell Club 課堂)。

Recruit new athletes, form a team and win the jackpot with good team effort!

Being consistent, sharing your commitment with others, and staying focused is how big goals are achieved. Our goal is to empower athletes and we hope to reach many more. We want our community to grow stronger together and hope you will bring more athletes onboard to AQ Strong. So we are instituting our first-ever Athlete DRAFT!
What is it? You select people you want to draft into AQ Strong - using the shareable Draft Card you can directly give your friends and colleagues an exclusive and by invite only Draft Pick Membership.
We have a little thank you reward for every Draft Pick that signs up under your name. They will form part of your team for Jackpot Prize eligibility.
Draft Pick Membership Deal
Exclusively by invite only - must be referred or shared by our current SPC Athletes.
30 Day Trial Membership Includes:
4 SPC sessions - $960 HKD + Top Up at $220 / SPC Session
Waive 50% joining fee for any carry-on SPC Membership.
Available from 23 June - 31 July.
MEMBER AWARD: Thank you for recommending us to your friends! We appreciate your support. Here's a little gift for you - a buy one get one free coffee coupon in Slowwalker, please enjoy your cup of coffee with your friend after a fruitful SPC session just across the street.
- The Member Award is eligible for any current SPC member who successfully form a team with at least 1 Draft Pick.
- Every SPC member can only redeem the coupon once.
TEAM AWARD: At the end of the Draft any Team with 3 or more Draft Picks will receive a customized "Be Athletic" T-Shirt with a team name on it. Team Names are up to the team captain (SPC member referring).
10% of every Draft Pick membership goes into the jackpot - the more that purchase the bigger the jackpot : )
As soon as you have a team-mate (Draft Pick purchased under your name) we will start recording your attendance. We will also record the SPC attendance of all your teammates and add it into your team total.
Team Attendance will start with first Draft Pick purchase date and run until August 31. The team with the highest attendance total (regardless of athletes) will win the jackpot and get equal share of Jackpot credited to their account (current SPC at time of prize award receive credit).
Ready to recruit? #AQAthleteDraft
Please just ask if you have questions at info@aqstrong.com or whatsapp 6763 2813 or chat with us at the Athletic Center
The T&C
*Promotional Membership available to any new enrollment athlete to AQ Strong (no current SPC membership) and exclusively by invite of current SPC Member (monthly, Annual)
*Draft Pick membership must start before 31 July and valid only 30 days.
*Attendance Tally begins only when Draft Pick membership is purchased and SPC referring member verified
*Normal SPC rules and procedures apply
*Draft Pick membership is non-transferable and non-refundable. It is the responsibility (and we strongly encourage) the draft pick athlete to use their sessions.